
Enhance Survey Programme

Enhance Survey Programme

PMDS has issued the Technical Circular PMDS-TC-12-24 related to the Enhance Survey Programme.


At its 106th session, the MSC adopted the amendments to the 2011 ESP Code.  The new survey requirements will become applicable at the Special or Intermediate Surveys, commenced on or after 1 July 2024 (based on the first day of attendance).


Surveys commenced before 1 July 2024 will continue to be carried out in accordance with survey requirements applicable before this date, regardless of the survey completion date.


The amendments are intended to address the perceived lack of evidence that would warrant additional survey requirements of water ballast tanks and void spaces on all bulk carriers.


What we advise shipowners and ship operators to do now

  • It is strongly advised that the coating condition of water ballast tanks and double-side skin void spaces is considered early to plan surveys and maintenance works.
  • For oil tankers, we recommend being aware of the changes to the applicable range window for the completion of cargo tank testing when carried out by the crew.


PMDS Surveyors

New instructive and survey checklists have been issued by our Technical Department and uploaded to the survey and certification Platform MAGY to be implemented after on or after 1 July 2024.  Additional instructions will be provided in the Webinar will be developed within the next days.


For additional information contact us : corporate@panamamaritime.com
