Safe Mooring Operations
At the 102nd session of the Maritime Safety Committee (MSC102), were adopted the following:
- IMO Res. MSC.474(102)/SOLAS II-1/3-8, “Towing and mooring equipment”
- Amendments to SOLAS II-1/3-8 and “Revised Guidance on Shipboard Towing and Mooring Equipment” (MSC.1/Circ.1175/Rev.1)
- “Guidelines on the Design of Mooring Arrangements and the Selection of Appropriate Mooring equipment and Fittings for Safe Mooring” (MSC.1/Circ.1619) and “Guidelines for Inspection and Maintenance of mooring Equipment Including Lines” (MSC.1/Circ.1620), were approved.
- MSC.1/Circ.1362/Rev.2 – the interpretation approved by the IMO; includes several interpretations relevant to the new requirements.
These amendments entered into force on 1 January 2024, where all ships are required to keep the management plans (MSMP) on board based on MSC.1/Circ.1620.
The management plans shall include the following (1) to (6) contents. The numbers in parentheses refer to the paragraph numbers of MSC.1/Circ.1620:
- Procedures for mooring operations, inspection and maintenance of mooring equipment, including mooring lines (3.1)
- Procedures to allow the identification and management of mooring lines, tails and associated attachments (3.3)
- Manufacturers’ criteria for mooring line replacement (4.3.1)
- Records of mooring equipment inspections and maintenance, and mooring line inspections and replacement. (4.4.3 and 6.1)
- Manufacturers’ test certificates for mooring lines, joining shackles and synthetic tails (6.2) (6) Records of the original mooring design concepts, equipment, arrangements and specifications (4.4.4)
MSMP shall be verified during the first periodical survey (annual survey, intermediate survey, or renewal survey) of the Cargo Ship Safety Construction on or after 1 January 2024 (Refer to the PMDS TC-16-23 of November 2023)
Please contact our technical staff for the review and approval of the MSMP.
For additional information contact us : corporate@panamamaritime.com