Report of the 2022 CIC on STCW – Paris MoU
A Concentrated Inspection Campaign (CIC) on compliance with STCW was carried out jointly by the Paris MoU and Tokyo MOU during the period 1st September 2022 to 30th November 2022.
The purpose of the CIC was to have a better understanding on the training and certification situation of crew members in each party to the STCW Convention and on-board ships of various flag States, to check the arrangements made by shipping companies for the performance of new duties by crew members and the implementation of relevant requirements on watchkeeping and rest on board.
The CIC was carried out on all ships targeted for inspection within the Paris MoU Region during the relevant period but only one CIC report was required per ship inspected during this time. If a second PMoU inspection was carried out during the relevant period a second CIC was not required.
The questionnaire was completed on a total of 4112 ships and 4179 ships were inspected during the period.
The results show that there is generally a good level of compliance, however this should be considered in the context that the shipping industry were informed well in advance of the intention to carry out a CIC in this area. The majority of the questions asked during the CIC already form part of an initial inspection and are checked each time an inspection is carried out.
Analysis of answers to questionnaire in relation to detention
The highest number of detainable deficiencies relates to question 3 (valid endorsements attesting the recognition of certificates or documentary proof of application) of master, officers and radio operators) with 72 ‘No’ answers and 11 detentions.
A high level of compliance was recorded with the requirements for seafarers to be able to communicate in the working language of the vessel, although three detentions were recorded against this question.
Number of inspections in CIC
TOTAL | 4112 | 67 |
DETENTIONS | 173 | 3 |
It is recommended that PSCOs continue to pay close attention to STCW related matters during inspections.
Source: Paris MoU
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