Ship Inspection Prevention, detection, and proper repairs to avoid detentions
The Technical Department of PMDS, leaded by the Eng. Xavier Varcasia, designed a training course addressed to all the PMDS surveyors, for the inspection prevention, detection, and proper repairs to avoid detentions.
This specialized training course was successfully conducted from April 17 to 21, 2023, by the Eng. Manuel Gutierrez, a naval architect and European engineer, former IACS Senior Principal Surveyor. The Eng. Gutierrez has experience in the survey of new constructions, survey of existing vessels including repair on all type and size of vessels. Inspections at dry-dock. Inspection of propellers, forging and casting, including large tail shafts, crankshafts and stern frames, main switchboards, and electrical components, among others. In addition, he is Course Tutor (Worldwide) since April 2011.
PMDS surveyors from Asia, Middle East, and America, participated in this important training course of 30 hours, which covered the following topics, among others:
- The language of the structures applied to the ship inspection prevention, detection and proper repair of defects and damages.
- Type of damages and methods to repair.
- Stress concentration points
- Measures to improve the fatigue life of structural elements.
- Inspection in dry docking
- Thickness measurement
- Classes of materials
- Substandard vessels
- Port state control and consequences of detentions
- Clear grounds
- Most common deficiencies for detentions and how to improve it.
- Risk to consider during the inspections.
- General examinations
- Statutory surveys for load line and safety equipment
- ISM Code, objectives, requirements, and signs of problems
This course provided to our surveyors with reliable inspection techniques to evaluate that the vessel is safe. They learned how to identify different types of damages and defects using practical examples and case studies and gain an understanding of their causes.
For additional information contact us : corporate@panamamaritime.com