SEEMP PART III / CII / EEDI & EEXI Implementation
MARPOL Annex VI amendments entered into force on 1 November 2022 (to be verified from 1 January 2023).
PMDS offers assessment services for the implementation of the new regulations, by specialized associated staff:
- Development of SEEMP Part III.
- CII calculations
- In case of noncompliance with the required CII, assessment in the implementation of Corrective Action Plan and applicable measures.
- EEXI assessment and preparation of the Technical File
- Assessment in the preparation of the Onboard Management Manual
- In case of noncompliance with the required EEXI, we can offer an assessment, follow up and support by Class/Engine technician until its compliance.
As Recognized Organization, PMDS offers all the certification services associated to the new regulations of the MARPOL Annex VI:
- Review and approval of the SEEMP Part III for the issuance of COC
- Annual verification for IMO DCS data
- Ships and company audits (periodical and additional) when applicable
- Approval of the EEXI Technical File
- Approval of the Onboard Management Manual, when applicable.
- Statutory surveys for the IAPP and IEEC as per amendments.
- Training on the Energy Efficiency regulations and MARPOL Annex VI amendments
For additional information contact us : corporate@panamamaritime.com