Amendments to the 2011 ESP Code as amended
Amendments to 2011 ESP Code, which replace the provisions of thickness measurements at the first renewal survey of double hull oil tankers, were adopted.
The 2011 ESP Code, as amended by resolution MSC.461(101), in annex B, part A, annex 2, prescribes the following thickness measurements to be taken at the first renewal survey of double-hull oil tankers:
- One section of deck plating for the full beam of the ship within the cargo area:
- Measurements, for general assessment and recording of corrosion pattern, of those structural members subject to close-up survey according to annex 1; and
- Suspect areas
Amendment to the Code, as amended, have been adopted to require that only “suspect areas” of double-hull oil tankers are subject to thickness measurements during the first renewal survey.
- The amendment deems it sufficient to consider only suspect areas for thickness measurements of the areas identified, at the first renewal survey of double hull oil tankers from 1 January 2023.
- Refer to the Resolution MSC.483(103).
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