
New short-term regulatory measures to reduce the GHG

New short-term regulatory measures to reduce the GHG


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The proposed amendments to the MARPOL convention require a dual approach for ships to reduce their carbon intensity to meet the 40% reduction target by 2030, based on the technical and operational measures described below.

  • Efficiency Existing Ship Index (EEXI)
    • Existing ships of 400 GT and above will be required to calculate its attained EEXI, which indicates its energy efficiency and meet the specific required EEXI to reduce its carbon emissions.
  • Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI)
    • Applicable to new ships built after 2013.
    • The EEDI measures the theoretical COemissions performance based on engine design and performance data to promote the use of more efficient (and less polluting) engines.
  • Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII)
    • The CII is an operational measure proposed for ships of 5,000 GT and above, which aligns with the requirements on recording vessel fuel consumption in accordance with the IMO Data Collection System (IMO-DCS).
    • The proposal will require each applicable vessel to have determined its annual operational carbon intensity indicator.
    • The annual reduction factor needed to improve the ship’s operational CII within a specified rating level is then determined


Contact us for additional information on new MARPOL regulations: technicals@panamamaritime.com
