Prevent deficiencies and /or detentions
Flag Administrations have implemented different activities to minimize the number of deficiencies found by a Port State Control Officer and mitigate the possibility of having the vessel detained by Port State Control Authority.
The following activities have been implemented:
- Belize Self-Inspection Program:
IMMARBE has developed a Checklist highlighting all necessary items to confirm compliance with international and national requirements.
The Self-Inspection checklist must be submitted to IMMARBE´s Technical Department on monthly basis.
Additional Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) have been established for non-compliant vessels.
Refer to MMN-19-006r1.
- Panama – U.S. Pre-ports arrival checklist
Panama has implemented additional assessment requirements to decrease the detention numbers of vessels calling in the United States of America (U.S.) ports that may subject to Port State Control (PSC) inspections.
Checklist should be completed by the vessel Master´s or DPA and sent 96 hrs. before the vessel arrived to US Ports and delivered to PMA.
Refer to MMC-381.
- Panama – Australian Port Pre-arrival checklist
AMSA has implemented focused inspection campaigns and initiatives to decrease the detentions. These are mainly focused on Bulk Carriers and cargo securing in any other vessel.
Panama Flag Administration implemented additional assessment activities by the completion of pre-arrival checklist. Checklist should be completed by the vessel Master´s or DPA and sent 96 hrs. before the vessel arrived to any Australian port and delivered to PMA.
Refer to the MMC-393.
- Panama – Flag Annual Safety Inspection for vessels with Priority 1 in Paris MoU.
Paris MoU implemented an initiative (called White List) to identify high-quality ships and flags and provide incentives to encourage quality operations.
Recently, Panama Flag Authorities detected an increase of detentions in the Paris MoU, specifically in Italy, from vessels with Priority 1 and for this reason requested that those vessels have to conduct an ASI as soon as they arrive at any port or terminal in Italy.
Refer to MMN-13-2021.
For additional information contact our Technical Department: technicals@panamamaritime.com