MARPOL 73/78 Annex
The amendments introduce new requirements as a result of the assessment of products. Amendments, which applies to new and existing ships, will take effect on January 1, 2021, therefore chemical tankers and offshore supply vessels and other vessels carrying Noxious Liquid Substances shall be certified in compliance with the new amendments.
Amendments as follow:
MARPOL 73/78 Annex II
- Prewash requirements for persistent floating products
“Persistent floater” has been newly defined in the amendment.
- Revision of the standard format of P&A Manual
As per change in the persistent floating products, form for P&A will be amended.
IBC Code and BCH Code
- Revision of carriage requirements (Chapter 17 & 18)
Due to the revision of criteria for assigning carriage requirements for products (Chapter 21), the carriage requirements for all products have been reassessed, and most of them have been revised.
- Operational requirements for persistent floating products (Chapter 16)
According to the amendment of MARPOL 73/78 Annex II, for clarifying the subjected persistent floating products, new provision 16.2.7 has been added.
- Special requirements of Hydrogen sulphide (H2S) detection equipment (Chapter 15)
As special requirements for the carriage of the following products, new provision 15.15 requiring the installation of Hydrogen sulphide (H2S) detection equipment has been added.
– Sodium hydrosulphide/Ammonium sulphide solution
– Sodium hydrosulphide solution (45% or less
For additional information contact our Technical Department: technicals@panamamaritime.com