Dispensation for Ship´s Cook

The Panama Maritime Authority inform to the users of the Panamanian Registry, that based on Regulation 3.2, Standard A3.2, paragraph 6 of the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006, as amended (MLC, 2006, as amended), the Panama Maritime Authority (PMA) may issue a Dispensation for Ships Cook, in circumstances of exceptional necessity, permitting a non-fully qualified cook to serve in a specified ship for a specified limited period.
The General Directorate of Seafarers of the Panama Maritime Authority is in charge of the issuance of the Dispensations for Ship´s Cook under the MLC 2006, as amended.
The Dispensation for Ship´s Cook under the MLC 2006, as amended, applies only to ships with a prescribed manning of ten (10) crew or more. In the case of ships operating with a prescribed manning of less than ten (10) crew, the PMA has not objection a non-fully qualified cook serves on board.
The Dispensation for Ship´s Cook will be issued through the Head Office and the Regional Documentation Offices (RDO) of the General Directorate of Seafarers.